Villa General Belgrano
Tours and Activities
Athos Pampa
It is located at 7 km from Villa General Belgrano along one of the path which goes to Villa Berna, Villa Alpina and La Cumbrecita.
Going to Athos Pampa we will find another picturesque tcalled “ Los Guindos”
From Villa General Belgrano along the Cristo Grande way you reach Athos Pampa. It can be also reach it by taking Los Reartes path.
In Athos there is a school and a church which are the common place for its inhabitants. Apart from the electric Light there are no other services.
To the north west we have Inti-Yaco. To the south west trough the way to Yacanto, crossing san Miguel bridge.
Villa Alpina - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Villa Alpina - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Villa Alpina - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Villa Alpina - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Athos Pampa - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Athos Pampa - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Catederal - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
Puente - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
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