Villa General Belgrano
Valle de Calamuchita

Walks & Tours: El Durazno

Cerro Champaquí
Going up the Cerro Champaqui there is a superb experience impossible to forget. This atmosphere surrended by green places makes the visitor feel better and more tolerant.
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La Florida
It has 100 ha and the farm is near the river.
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Pinar de los Rios
With exceptional views of the valley and Sierra Grande at 5 kms.
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Santa Rosa de Calamuchita
City built on the shore of the same name. It has several spas, campings and cabines and there are also 4X4 trips and adventure tourism, fishing, horse-riding, trekking and ecotourism.
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Villa Ciudad Parque
It is situated in the Calamuchita Valley, it occupies the southern shore of Dique de los Molinos, Route Nº5 and Los Reartes river. In 1993 it is declared in Comuna.The visitor will...
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Villa General Belgrano
Surrended by a natural landscape at 88 km from Córdoba capital and at 750 km from Capital Federal, between Sierras Grandes to the west and Sierras Chicas to the east and Embalse Los...
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