Villa General Belgrano
Valle de Calamuchita
Tourist complex
El Torreon - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
El Torreon - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
El Torreon - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
El Torreon - Villa General Belgrano - Argentina
To get there you may take route Nº 5, at 723km. Torreon de Calamuchita is a replic of the Castillo de Manzanares situated on the shore of Santillana dam, next to Madrid, Spain.

It is a wonderful military arquitecture Remo Chiodetti, between 1947 and 1948, bought the ideas of this plan whose construction was in charge of Cipriano Grop and the materials were given by Augusto Oyarzábal.

With the time, and after receiving its visitors as a restaurant, teahouse and cafés was transformed in 1974 in a famous walk as nowadays is known.It was a labyrinth, watcher, games for children, bridges, Japanese park, waterfalls, swimming pools and local products and free shop.